Sunday 24 August 2008

someone's boring me. i think it's me. dylan thomas.

doing good/ drinking way down (3 cans stella, 5.2%/jour), methadone down to 30mls, cital. to 20mgs/ feeling good/ there was no revelation such as leads to relapse just sick of feeling like death/ booze is just like smack: when you develop a high tolerance it does absolutely fuck all/ worse in fact because H doesn't mess with your health (extenuating factors are responsible for the ill health associated with the drug such as lifestyle, running out of cash and committing acquisitive crime, missing shots &c.)/ booze is a fucking fuck/ i was watching the video for massive attack's live with me yester./ it centers on a functioning alcoholic and as she takes her first drink she looks at the can with horror and resignation/ perfect/ one would assume alcoholic like booze but those with heavy addictions (not yr bizarre addict wannabes) loathe it/ even though i'm no longer using my love for heroin remains, because the drug itself did me no harm/ in fact it did me alot of good/ booze however i wish would be eradicated from the face of the earth/ anyway...listening monkey suite, mf doom/ drinking nice french roast coffee, black, and editing some poems/ i hope you've enjoyed the ones i've posted/ cheers...

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