Saturday 8 August 2009

bored shitless & reading bukowski/ trying to resist having a beer/ i don't actually want one but it's something to do like/ might go back to bed...
still fucking malady ridden so off work again/ got the job at the radio station, managed college and castings and a fairly busy week besides but feel death ravaged today/ had 11 days off booze tho' not consecutive - thursday night very pissed and stayed up till 0330 watching alien/ consumed a btl white, two guiness and 1/2 btl whiskey/ felt shocking the following day so after a visit to the doc.'s (he say i've a prolonged viral infection since the penicillin did jack shit) bed early after small drinks with v- und the alba/ today rose at 0615, drank coffee, felt shit so phone in sick and since've been reading about marvin gaye, listening to junior well's hoodoo man blues album and masturbating occasionally/ vice...

Tuesday 4 August 2009

off to college today/ not completely better but must go in, timesheets &c./ listening to death of a disco dancer par the smiths/ stille off the booze.../ feeling pretty good, sleeping reasonably well so shall try and stick it out for 28 days/ vice...

Monday 3 August 2009

feeling so much finer/ no booze in one whole week, throat better, almost completely, spirits restored &c/ will cancel work this eve as don't want to risk it - have to be better for college tomorrow/ keep this up & i'll be fired but whatever - some actual bad news'll be a refreshing change from all the bollox i fabricate in the mind.../ i mean what's the worst that can happen?/ any road, i'm on that twain - off to the doc.'s this after to get some cognitive behavioural therapy, get some control over the myre of my thoughts/ listening to the excellent nilsson schmilsson par harry nilsson, herbie flowers on bass/ very nice/ so yeah gonna do the 28 days detox and don't think it'll be a problem/ booze is a good boredem killer but in excess it's a true kunt, a true true cunt/ out...