Thursday 25 October 2007

listening to the mondays and rounding the day off with a can of iced k and 40mg citalopram/ the albas mother is in the area thus i'm hiding and staying sane/ as long as one has little hideaways, be they physical or mental, one can just about stumble through/ anyway i'm used to and enjoy hiding out/ another reasonably successful day/ might take alby out for a meal tonight/ i fancy tarragon steak and abrasive, overpriced wine/ currently reading hunger by hamsun and am blown away/ i've been reading bukowski alot of late because i identify with alot of his failingsa nd ge's very easy to read/ it is only when you read prose like hamsuns you realsie what a mediocre writer he is (although 'writer' is a vague term i cannot be bothered to refine my statement)/

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