Thursday 8 May 2008

no arguments assert my right: the sun is behind me. ted hughes

cafe not open for another 54mins so here i am again/ listening the kill, joy division/ the beauty i find in far folded mists often makes me pine for colder climes/ however london is currently experiencing something of an early summer/ the past week the weather has been dazzlingly, fresh clean mornings, baking high sun by 1200, shit i've even managed to develop a tan which papers the cracks somewhat/ god mf doom sickens me/ rakim was what 20 years ago and just shat on rappers of doom's ilk/ these inde. rappers labour under the impression that because they use the occasional long word or arcane reference they are intelligent/ the rhymes of ice cube/easy e were far far smarter but no pussy shit puh-suede-oh intellect ever got that quite, glasses, studious equals emphatically not intelligent/ it simply means socially inept, hard of sight and hard-working/ hardly aspirational traits/ anyway...all opinions are necessarily crude and obscenely flawed, even mine, so what the fuck/ i no longer have the heart for the only thing opining achieves, viz. high blood pressure/ but if i hear anyone mention 'putting the world to rights' i'm going for the steel/

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