Tuesday, 26 June 2007

moderate intake yesterday/ from 1600 on 6 500ml cans of stella and 2 20cl bottles whiskey/ imbibed 2 ltrs of mineral water prior to bed and thus woke with a not overly vicious hangover guzzled juice of two pink grapefruit and a cup of java with organic milk/ currently typing/ i'm in a better mood today/ pay due to us is to materialise soon, so i'm quite excited/ have not had any class a drugs for three days!/ must be strong/ have had weak inklings that i should clean up and loose some weight/ my average weight was 11 stone (10 1/2 at one point due to excessive exercise) till last summer when my boozing began in earnest/ francis (a friend with whom i lived last summer) and i would consume about a 70cl bottle of spirits each per night and atop that a bottle of champagne or wine/ i wasn't doing much heroin at the time but had a steady diet of party drugs (liquid acid, ecstasy, mdma, skunk, hash, coke) washed down with phenomenal amounts of alcohol/ i was working as a cycle courier last summer and francis and i and our colleague/mate dave would sit in clipstone mews, w1, awaiting work/ it was possibly the slowest summer on record and most days we'd do about 5 local drops, leaving the remainder of the day free/ thus we filled our time getting fucked, usually from about 0900 till the wee hours of the morning/ each night we'd go to the courier pub, the duke in ec1, and from there either a mates house or francis dad's flat (his dad was away all summer)/i was consuming ecstasy and mdma regularly and had taken up smoking marijuana again (i'd quit about two years before due to acute cannabis psychosis)/ when i read my accounts of my exploits i sometimes wonder how i'm still alive/ well the fact is, up till recently, i've always eaten very well and exercised alot/ i cycled everywhere till about eight months ago and then took to walking everywhere/ i also have an almost stress free existence/ true i'm often consumed with envy and anger but i sleep in till about 1100 every day, only drink one cup of coffee a day and don't smoke cigarettes/ i've, as aforementioned, put on quite a bit of weight recently, but i feel it wouldn't be hard to loose/ moreover i ran the mile home from the station in the sweltering heat the other day and didn't get out of breath, so i'm still pretty fit/ i was also a cycle courier on and off for seven years and for about two year a fanatical gym attendee/ i'd spend up to three hours a day in the gym, primarily lifting weights but also running and cycling/ i'd also do impromptu half-marathons (on the road) and eighty mile bike rides to my parents house in the country/ so i guess i've had alot of good which has probably retarded some of the detrimental effects of all the bad stuff i've entertained my body with/ but i'm also a big believer in the rejuvenating power of endorphins, and all the drugs and sex have released alot of those/so maybe i'll live to a ripe old age/ maybe i'll live long enough to become a decent writer/

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