Friday, 27 March 2009

eye-re:/ listening to the original coxsone produced road foggy, burning spear, which i've been looking for since 2001/ shit yeah/ no tea-aitch-see but some white vino atop some day bierz/ w'dn't mind sum joy bang (tiger juice) but work tomorrow and wake i shall not/ but those melting waves...oh!/ ne'r consciousness, innit?/ anywhich, when where and whom?/ i know, it's impossible/ get munted and be merri/ innit?...
doin' wellie wellie well/ slept much of thursday then up tille latte la nuit dern. drinking and watching crap tellie-box/ up now and drinking coffee and soon to the 'store' for provisos what i'll manipulate into luncheon/ got a black uhuru album in the post (coming hence that is)/ trying hard not to get the aitch/ innit...

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

all guurd/ ekooting twain henry cow, the long march and drinking gin/ stille off meth-dot-com tho' taking the occasional 'joy bang' and a surfiet of joy does it bring, brain and body gouch of an exquisite i've not courted since the glory days/ otherwise life is fairly unexceptional tho' i try to plod to not ponder the pointlessness (that'll be the gin)/ peese...