Monday, 10 September 2007

intake de yester: 2 cans stella; 35 cls whiskey; 60mg ignatia; 24omg arnica; usuals/ now drinking tea and digesting an excellent b'fast/

Sunday, 9 September 2007

stille nortie/ friday blitzed it with 7 cans k and dbl antis, stayed awake extremely late and ploughed though an eclectic catalogue of music, id est my limewire library/ then to lunch with parents yester and to view new abode/ stayed in watching movies last night/ intake: 1/2 bottle white wine; 2 cans stella; 35cls whiskey; usuals/ not feeling too bad/ a beer whiskey hangover is certainly less punishing than a k hangover/ moreover i've torched the bridge betwixt myself and my w connect/ thus any impulses i might have have nowhere to go/ this can only be a good thing/ smoking at 1030 t'other morning and generally disgusted with the dispositions and lifestyles of my fellow users i questioned seriously the merit of such activity/ endless need is a fucker/