Saturday, 27 September 2008

up all ngt w'k'n' thurs. then all day yester so by yester eve suitably exhausted/ thus i to j-'s for the big weed and drinks then home for smokes and more drinkies/ my bro' stayed till about 2330 and i then up till 0200, tho' doing what i cannot remember/ w'k' late at ten, let the dog out but he, 'ving found a hole in the fence, got out and ran amok for a time before finally deciding to return (post-my calling him numerously)/ then dog b'fasted on leftovers from yester.'s spread (i'm trying to affect the ambiance of a mob club house with plenty drinks and cold cuts and cheeses (the cheese is essential for authenticity, you understand))/ sipping blk cfe, the weather out divine (crisp, mist, drips on leaves)/ nice

Thursday, 25 September 2008

an ase day, tho' blighted by 'ving to tidy the debris of yester this new morn./ n'er mynd/ feeling v. g'd, drinking chilled bubbles and finishing last nuit's weed, listening to me myself and i, de la soul/ i'm on a serious old-skoowl hyp-hop typ a la mo'/ whilst my first love was blues, around 8 yrs old, hip-hop was something i got into heavily around 10/11, conesequence of my best mates older brother and his mates having all the nwa, ice-t (i know), 2 live crew, chubb rock, big daddy kane et al cassettes/ during the long hot summers of '89 and '90 my mum worked and couldn't leave me at home so rather than assisting her (she worked at a nursery) i'd sit in the car reading viz and listening twain hip-hop all day/ thus you might speculate viz and hip-hop were a very important and it seems lasting influence/ and by kryst am i pleased/ viz gave me a sardonic outlook v. early, and hip-hop the slanted funk/ boodar blezz...
gurd day last day/ albaz b'day so plenty guests much food and booze and another dog have i inherited/ only got rid of the grt dane a few days ago (consequence of him pissing in the bedroom and shitting severally in the sitting (or living) room) and now another dog has been dumped with my friend and she can't take care of him/ i was pissed and said yes so now i own a dog, a tan staff with a beautiful dark stripe down his back/ he is amazing/ t'k'n' him to the vets this week-fin just as routine cause he looks and seems very healthy/ last night was fucking brilliant/ about 10 of us drinking bubbles and smoking good jamacian weed, one of the finest combinations, to a soundtrack of 90's hip-hop and vintage dub/ nice/ anyway...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

awrl gurd/ on'y beerz twain yester so vivid vivid dreams and a clear(ish) head this dawn/ w'k'n' since e'rly/ now on the beer and wsky b4 1200/ what hope do i have?/ don't answer/

Monday, 22 September 2008

heavy ngt on the wsky lst ngt/ woke at 0830, straight to the typer, then to e- for rx and now home sipping an iced stella and leafing thorough my current copy of the poetry review/ i have a poem i may submit myself/ for years h'ever i've'd a far greater interest in keeping a diary/ short stories, e.g.: the notion seems forced and antithetical to what i believe to be the purpose of writing, viz. catharsis/ the writing i enjoy most is searingly mine, sometimes/ anyway...just cooking supper for t'alba and me and taking it easy this ngt, hopefully this week/

Sunday, 21 September 2008

f'n' gr't/ out for a single whiskey (fucking pounds sterling 3.20) so home to continue with much more for much less/ nyse/ listening Suicidal Tendencies- I Saw Your Mommy/ out ov weed and no money to akwire more, tho that's a go(o)d t'ing, innit?/ fuck weed/ heroin kills/ yeah...drink and be damned/ opiates have lost their appeal tho i spiked just in the muscle the other day and it was fab/ been wearing long sleeved t-shirts ever since/ at least y'r'givin''t y'al', knah min?/ there's nothing more you can do in that situ., you've tried your very best...har-de-fukin-har...innit?
yeah so as aforesaid, f'n' guurd/ went to new local cafe where they do espresso 2-dy-4 dwakling!/ read some dh, selected short stories, wrote in my and watched to morning unfurl/ now home and considering a nipp ov skotch/ 'twould be nice/ been continuing my philum spree: yester g'df't'r, overrated, and citizen cain, appalling/ i judge it harshly sure because the bfi and others continue to rate it best film ever/ but why?/ it makes no profound observations/ the acting is either hammy or poor satire/ some of the photographies quite good but apart from that it's mediocre at best/ i dunno/ think i will have that drink...
uhm f'n' beh-ah dan in daze/ only 3 beers, 17.5cls whiskey yester and ate a proper meal for the first time in two days/ wk at 0930 and made colombian, french press, and feel guurd/ about to take a walk in the morning an' t'ing nah min?/ 'tis a chill autumn morn of clarified gold light/ nyce...