Thursday, 28 June 2007

intake very moderate last night/ 10cls brandy, 4 500ml cans stella, 1 rock crack, 2 bags heroin, 6 hash spliffs/ blissed (or 'soothed') out on way home/ today woke with a fucking jones, thus imbibed the 30mls methadone i'd saved and scuttled up to north london/ once i'd my methadone supply guzzled a small lake thereof right on green lanes for all to see/ then no. 29 to the spot where i'd sadly only funds for one bag of the excellent just-off-white/ then home where smoked a tiny piece, did some work, acquired 2 500mls cans of k (8.4 percent) and now await the evacuation of jo's parents so i can get down to some serious god-damned smoking/

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