Saturday, 23 June 2007
feeling ok/ 8 500ml cans stella and 20cls whiskey last night, and bed finally at three having stayed up to witness bjork at glastonbury/ she was truly remarkable/ not feeling too bad today as i slept in till one and consumed flagons of pink grapefruit cordial the night through/ reading very little at present/ magazines and london paper and lite constitute the extent of my reading material/ off to putney in a few moments/ was going to attend gallery with my charge but we've left it too late/ thinking about getting down to some serious writing/ the extent to which i practice my craft is this, brief blogs re: my narcotic and alcohol intake/ i'm not sure how much demand there is for such material/ but no, you're right, it should be about art not masturbating one's ego/ anyhoo, laters...
Friday, 22 June 2007
had a days sensible drinking (3 cans guiness wed. night) but then increased to 4 500ml cans stella and 20cls whiskey thurs night (lightly dusted with 5 bags heroin) then last night 6 500ml cans stella and 20 cls whiskey, rounded off with 1 rock and 3 bags/heroin/ the h at the mo' is remarkable, absolutely exquisite/ it's been improving a while but i think has reached something of an apex/ quality hit a not inconsiderable slump (about 1 year substandard, no matter who you scored from, and at one point the gear was so bad as to have no effect at all - one evening had an appointment with probation services and three bags had no effect, and i don't mean didn't get me high, i mean left me sick)/ now i feel overwhelmed by two bags, which is an absolute first for me/ in fact it's so strong that merely one bag leaves the inside of the tube thickly coated in dark, glistening resin/ might go out tonight but will invariably do coke, pills, brown, poss. crack and naturally drink plenty too/ we'll see...
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
drinking totally out of hand/ yesterday 1 ltr stella, 35 cls brandy, 1 bottle wine, 35 cls whiskey/ blacked out, flipped at jo again and barely remember anything/ oh and cut my hand open/ must quit/ went out for fantastic meal last night though/ veal with sage butter and polenta with wild mushrooms/ most divine/ meeting mother for lunch demain/ have decided to increase h intake to ensure total and unshakable confidence when doing my job/ head of advertising for a magazine is no small task and if i do it well i'll be rolling/ it just so happens my favourite narcotic helps me work/ ace/
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