Friday, 6 June 2008

feel great/ reduced bwooze out-give yester-slice and consequence feel much repaired/ had nice lunch out as per once a week and then slept long/ drinking guatemalan, med. roast, listening tart tart, happy mondays/ currently reading peyps diaries which give much amusement/ out tonight fur smoked fun/ 'twill be delish/

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

all is all/ feel fine/ drynkn espres and (predominantly) aurally receiving sync swim, 808 state/ ye i feel fucking great/ twin days away from that white poison are sufficient to restore at least 2 and one half acres of mental fortitude/ reassuring, no?/ any-route, must consummate more work 2-jour/ stendhal goes fair/ weather divine/ drinking modded to 2 cans special brew (500mls, 9.0%) and 5 cans stella (500mls, 5.2%)/ in consequence saner and less inclined to sado-masochistic acts, lately watching the intolerable meanderings of the vieulle buk on youtube/ be kind to the self/ simple, practical changes can lead to great improvements in mental and physical health/ these are probably different for all but in any situation there are things the individual can do to improve its lot/ my dentist gave me the finest piece of advice i've received yet/ said he, take care of the basics, young man/ i didn't but its fucking fine advice/ try it...

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

feeling good though a thrice leadened, slow heavy vein lead y'know?/ listening angie, rolling stones/ had a fairly calm day yester: 5 stella (500mls, 5.2%); 1 special brew (500mls, 9.0%); 1/2 btl cabernet sauv (750mls, 14%); venominal zegz, y'know the stuff of wild, complete abandon/ marvelous/ today writing marketing shite and will, at some point, finish walk the line/ off out friday of necessity: try and see those friends i stille give a shit about a few times an annum/ writing's going well/ 'ving a beautiful moleskine notebook helps/ currently reading charterhouse of parma, stendhal, and 'tis pretty impressive/ effortless vivid imagery and witty/ worth an observe/