Saturday, 25 April 2009

doin' bee-ann/ drinking a stella and typing/ been 'managing' my youtube channel,, which has almost got a thousand hits and recently a second subscriber/ very exciting/ good days drinking and jazz with v- yester, mostly in the garden in my stylish new deck chairs, warmed by the glorious sun/ then some 60mls meth. la nuit d. tho' it touched the sides hardly, to my great disappointment/ taking it easy this eve.: duck a l'orange and some blanc then maybe...shit kens/ l8rz...

Thursday, 23 April 2009

not sure about livers and enzymes but yester post a visit to v- to fix his hi-fi and paid in beer he and i to the super and the corner for btls blanc twain and beers six/ thus began a day of drinking and lisening of jazz music/ then my girl came home and said her mate was coming for supper, as was my sister, so we decided to have a bit of a party, and party we (especially i) did/ by the close of the eve twelve bottles of wine had been acquired in one manner or another and drunk, largely by me/ i was, i'm told, reasonably well behaved, which is something of a minor miracle, tho' my woman and sister'd to wrestle a large bottle of methadone from me/ today no booze and no anything else naughty/ killah...

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

doin' ok aside from punishing lethargy/ i could just stay in bed stop-full/ the blood tests show my kidneys are fine but my liver's enzyme levels aren't/ however that's apparently easily fixed/ hummm.../ drinking a morning beer, a rare occurance of late/ after the oh-dee i was reasonably well behaved before two slaughterhouses last week led me down, and some meth. use twain/ thus now i suffer/ when on a regular thing one can maintain for a long while but too much upheaval is not good for the body/ cogitate...