Wednesday, 19 November 2008

i was under no pressure from desire to purchase and consume alcohol this rare sober morn. but acquired two cans of k cider whilst walking the hound/ i am now sipping one as i type/ i have a relatively quiet day ahead, a meeting with my 'key-worker' at the drug dependency unit at 1430 my only commitment/ 've just ordered the artists and writers yearbook as a piece i sent to b- magazine came back because they no longer accept unsolicited mail/ apparently as freelance culture swells and burgeons more publishers insist one uses an agent/ it all seems a bit unnecessary but needs must/ it passed me by as i read kerouac's the dharma bums years before i heard the smiths but it's where moz. got the title pretty girls make graves (shakespere's sister comes from wolff's a room of one's own)/ anyway...

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