Tuesday, 18 November 2008

hmm...feeling shit/ bit of a bender yester.: 8 cans k; 1 can special brew; 4 co-dydramol; 40 fresh magic mushrooms; 70mls methadone; 200mgs citalopram; 3 spliffs/ walking the dog found a small but potent (post-1st frost) crop of mushrooms which i picked and promptly ate, though to little effect (i think that is more a reflection of my disturbing tolerance than the 'shrooms)/ then to the laundrette to use their industrial dryers, drinking the while, pained that i'd not bought a book/ much later i went out for cigarettes and ran into c- and his 4th wife so smoked some weed with them before home and passing out/ fell into a deep sleep on the sofa with the dog in my lap, the alba retrieving me at 0500 then bed till 0935/ i want to quit when i feel like this but i obviously enjoy it all just too much/ well today definitely no booze before 1800...

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