Wednesday, 19 November 2008

f'n' ace/ few drinks, all 'responsibilities' of the day cared for now drinks and biggie on the stereo/ hmmm..../ yump yump glUmp/ how i loathe the psyche of the typical rapper/ undoubtedly the poise is initially projected for commercial reasons but most i imagine end up believing their own bullshit/ shit, most musicians, painters, writers are just derivative, self-serving pieces of turd/ take nu-folk/ dylan became a parody of himself near 40 years ago (and i do not mean when he went electric)/ honesty is central to good art and no one i know of currently writes, paints or composes thus/ i imagine most are too concerned with being an artist and are shielded by the strength of their convictions (or 'treasured delusions' as old kant said) from facing their profound lack of talent/ i'm not as extreme as plato but please...

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