Saturday, 13 September 2008

hm, went to cfay IV dbl es-press-O, read papers, book, restructured a piece i'm writing on the social order of rats (jus' kiddin'!), then to the shop where i bought a wide selection of food stuffs to make the alba b'fast/ she still in bed so i tidied up a slice 'n' 'd a nyicht nyicht nyicht (wot jack nikowsun sez in eezie rydur wen he takes hiz furst drynk of the day)/ any-world-health-organization...not sure wha' 2 do wid t' day...mgt C bro'...i'm djing, paid for the 1st time in years, in about, no less than weeks twain so i've got to get a load of shit onto CDs ( i know, what happened to vynil?) and make a people friendly set-list/ must also start writing more articles/ it's easy cash but i find it abhorrent/ so did f scott and he's a far better writer than yours faithfully so he should know ah-ha-har...


b-more literate said...

Cheers for mentioning F. Scott. My fav. How he did that all the time, and mainly out of desperation for money, and it seemed to come so easily. Most of them weren't shit, either. Quite a feat.

Only atoms and the void said...

indeed, and probably made no easier for his raging alcoholism and extreme sensitivity to criticism ('bruised like a peach' is how someone described him). but y'know such acute sensitivity is a dbl edged sword - it gifted him remarkable insight and such writing can only be inspired by a deep communion with literature and ideas. btw have you read the beautiful and the damned? i recommend it. cheers.

b-more literate said...

Haven't finished it yet, but absolutely enthralled. Had to lay off it last year, too close to the bone in regards to a relationship that was ending at the time. But that's why I love him, such acute observation and devastating beauty.

Only atoms and the void said...

yes it is both tragic and beautiful when something like that happens