Saturday, 6 September 2008

f'n' a-K (tow it, ace)/ bin oot with me cousin 'n' purchased some real shit: deer hunter, taxi driver, 3 colours blue, heathers, enter the dragon and on cassette scetches of spain, miles davis/ nucking fice, blinnid?/ i suppose/ ekootin papa don't take no mess, james brown/ drinking high comissioner whiskey (cheep 'n' guurd!)/ alba out wit familias this after so i ont skotch and philumz, y'ken?/ i think eye does/ have rediscovered my love of diarising and have developed a fetish for notebooks, pens and pencils/ if something means that much to one the tools by which one achieves 'it' acquire a phantastikal significance/ anyway, plz leave comments if you agree/ disagree/ feel indifferent about or indeed have any other feeling or none about my views or tastes and perhaps we could begin a mutually benificial dialogue/ otherwise it can feel like throwing words into space...

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