Monday, 28 April 2008

i've been an addict-alcoholic for 10 years now (i'm 28) and i'm hoping i won't end up looking like shaun ryder/ but it's not all bad/ i've had alot of fun/ as chandler said: drunks don't educate, they disintegrate, and part of the process is alot of fun/ anyway, today's intake: 70 mls methadone; 60mls citalopram; 1 can stella (500mls, 5.2%); 2 bottles premium ale (500mls, 4.2%); 1 bottle white wine (750 mls, 14%); 3000mgs epa; 1 mutli-vit.; 1000mg ginseng/ oh and output: 1 poem/

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