Tuesday, 29 April 2008

f'n'n' g'd/ rose late today/ intake de yester: 1 can stella (500mls, 5.2%); 1 bottle premium ale (500mls, 4.2%); 1 bottle white vino (750mls, 14%); 1 can k (500mls, 8.4%); 1 further white, red twain, shared (all 750mls and 14% - ratio 2:1 to me); 6000mg ginseng; 190mls methadone; £20 stown; 9000mg epa; 100mg citalopram/ yeah, so feeling ok/ slept pretty well post phenomenal segs and about 3 hours of miles davis taken in and out of consciousness/ currently listening to the fall, totally wired, rough trade comp./ today have to write a pome/ i need to get back into the habit of writing a pome everyday/ i find daily writing and heavily indulging in music of all types helps my writing more than reading/ i've read alot in the past so have a decent archive of words &c./ i find my more introspective poems have become rather trite and pedestrian/ when i try to achieve sincerity in my writing it sounds terribly dull and, to me at least, embarrassing/ my best writing is done when i need to pour my anguish out/ it's an old story, but a shame that everything has a cost (and good writing a very high one)/

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