Saturday, 3 January 2009

feenin gurd/ trout mask replica, captain beefheart, arrived this morn., a beautiful 180gm repressing, gatefold sleeve an'-set-rah/ truly i covet such items, tho' my shit-slice flimsy deck is curtailing my enjoyment somewhat/ well rather i am/ i enjoy it to a point and then begin to obsess over minor defects in the sound quality and before the self is aware of it i'm sitting in tense agony, swearing the demise of my system/ however the deck does impair the sound quality, making the bass loose and and the treble somewhat splashy/ however other parts it registers exquisitely, such as the cello on donovan's hampstead incident/ currently listening to simple minds, don't forget about me/ cpl old mates over this eve for supper, what shd bee plezunt/ ovent seen quite a few of my old people since the old smack got a bit out of hand a few years back but, in a frenzy of benevolence, aided by anti-depressant and whiskey, i traced down a few vieulle numbers and've made plans to reunite with several each day from this one/ should be grand/ they've all possessed marriaged or bairn'd or the two, but at our age 'tis to be expected, j'gess/ now old main drag, the pogues/ wot a sung, nope?/ my thou-tube channel, billyshitcheese, grows is size and stature daily/ i am proud of it's bredth and depth, tho' the cap. and the early blues masters take weighty presidence/

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