Friday, 7 November 2008

f'n' mo' vur-gn vine/ out today to f. jaques, usual table overlooking the thames and the majestic bridge at k-/ 'd the usual: iced kronenbourg, snails, fresh baguettes 'n' beurre a plenty, succulent oven roast turbot, steak frites (bloody as sin, d'course) and strong french coffee with much brandy and a cream wig/ made my final hi-fi purchase (a camb. audio amp.), dirt cheap but a classic/ it sounds fucking great and as per the cabling i'm running into and from it is worth about 20 times more/ the reason i've the cable still is it depreciates considerably once cut and used (tho' i've seen some of the stuff i own go for an attractive dime on mdma-bay) so 2nd dealers won't touch it/ thus i've managed to build a quality set up for next to nothing, cabling making a vast difference to all aspects of sound quality (pace, sound-stage, tonal quality &c.)/ my girlfriend is bored shitless with it all but has developed quite a fine ear/ yester. was mildly decadant/ popped a cital. 40mg around 0130 this morn. thus on auto to b- where ran into a 'friend' and got a nice stone/ came back, smoked it and parce que the b'd worn off'd to drink much them-a-done and van roo-je/ still, lay on the sofa unable to sleep but in a state of pleasant quietude/ then the gf'd a headache so i sat up with her and nursed her till she got to sleep about 0630/ i'm thus running on petit kip (about 2 hrs) and was thinking of an early night but foolishly fell for the charms of a santos and java french coffee (heavy on the martell) and am now pleasantly wired/ may sit up and read with the comforting sighs of the sleeping streigel (that's terrier in german) easing my mind/ i dunno/ anyway...

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