Tuesday, 4 November 2008

the compelling saga of the deck continues: is the crackle coming from the right speaker the result of an incorrect anti-skate setting or faulty phono-cable/ it currently looks like the latter/ again it seems i've been seduced by vinyl and am experiencing all the difficulties and frustrations that come with it/ when the deck works well, tracey thorn's vocals on massive attack's protection make the short hair stand, but then there's fitting and aligning a cartridge, scrupulously caring for the vinyl, cleaning the needle and running an anti-static brush ten revolutions over the surface and fucking set er ah and fucking set er ah/ and as an obsessive depressive with the shortest of fuses these minor difficulties have a tendency to consume my entire being/ currently reading jay mcinerney's bright lights, big city which is excellent/ beautifully written and well paced without a hint of pretension/ hummm...no booze yester and i intend to follow up today/ went to b- in a drunken stupor the other 0300 and got taken for 20 pounds/ even with a lifetime's worth of experience one should always adhere to one simple rule: never score when drunk/ moreover in the past i seem to have been extremely fortunate/ friends tell me they've only ever been skanked there and yet in five trips only one's been unsuccessful/ just look for the guys without desperation in their eyes and a stature of 6 five and over/ funny thing is, i wasn't even annoyed/ i fully deserved it/

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