Tuesday, 7 October 2008

yeah so, cunted my abstinence yester. with a true return to form, 6 cans of evil skol super and plenty of methadone and downers/ i feel black tar bubbling in my veins/ add to this the dogs raging libido (when i brush him he thinks i'm giving him the green light and starts humping my leg) and my girlfriends (appropriate) disapproval and i'm pretty fucked (or not)/ shaking but happy is how i would surmise my current state/ anyhoo, back to the meetings tonight as a token act of contrition/ i say token as i don't think i've experienced the final despair some members claim got them on the 'right' track/ for example, this guy was talking about a 25 year drunk preceding his now 22 year period of abstinence and i kept thinking 'shit, what am i doing here? i'm only 29 so i can still get a lot more fucked and pull out of it'/ i dunno...it's like rehab, doing your rattle (cold turkey) &c/ one is led there by despair but once the despair goes one's like 'let's get wasted', y'ken?/ well, time for coffee...


Jimmy The Mack said...

Here's my question to you: Who would win in a hypothetical duel, Turgenev, or Dostoyevsky?...and also, which would win in an arm-wrestling match? You also get Tolstoy, and Gogol as these men's seconds respectively...

Only atoms and the void said...

turgenev...dos. is clumsy by comparison. i forget the role of the 'second' but gogol would waste tolstoy, given of course that their dueling skills matched their literary prowess.

Jimmy The Mack said...

I agree, Turgenev wins hands down in a duel, since he's more on point. However, Dost.'s passion cannot be underrated in regards to the armwrestling match. He may be clumsy, but he's got some neurotic fire in the belly. Gogol takes Tolstoy easy, especially if it's the period where he believed he was the devil...haha

Only atoms and the void said...

acute my man, but on reflection a) reverse the results: spastic rage (oh he's some much better than me i'm going to fucking show him one fucking way or a bastard other) &c and b) a comp. of mutual masturbation: essentially a bunch of wankers; whose best?

Jimmy The Mack said...

hahahahaha...I'm a bit confused at the question...is it who is best at wanking? I'd beat every one of them at that. In an unrelated note, have you ever tried Ketamine? If so, is it worth robbing the local vet. to procur some?

Only atoms and the void said...

ah ketamine...with your taste and intelligence you will get a lot from it. if you're doing 'knock out lines' (id est thick ones) make sure you're with someone you trust, or, if you're clubbing dab it on the gums in small amounts atop some e. a thoroughly valuable experience and parce que it's a tranquilizer it's less of a swede (or 'head') rape than acid. enjoy mah mayne. oh and in answer to the wanking question, dos. and tol.'d know deep down they're shitter than gog. 'n' tur. so their nerves would either make tham impotent or cum quicker, rendering the better writers victorious. hope that clears it up, fnar fnar.

Jimmy The Mack said...

Thanks for the knowledge... one other drug related question...are morning glory seeds (properly prepared naturlich) worth the trouble, or should i stay away from it.

Only atoms and the void said...

some herbal drugs can be fucking powerful so give 'em a try. never tried m.g.s myself but i've'd some excellent experiences with mushrooms and mescaline.