Wednesday, 8 October 2008

i was well behaved yester./ no surfeit, excess, indulgence without surcease...a well behaved young malchick was i/ i committed one act of self harm, viz purchasing irvine welsh's glue from my local charity shop/ other than that my mind concentrated on fine things.../ so, vivid dreams la nuit d. and from each only an abrupt awakening allowed release/ some were truly terrifying involving flying, locked doors, bars, childhood insecurities played out in scenarios with ppl i've not seen in 12 years/ oh the wheel!/ well, fuck philosophy...


b-more literate said...

Glue was a good one. Poor Andy Galloway.

Only atoms and the void said...

i don't know but i think welsh, even at his best, is a second rate author. his writing is similar to an enthusiastic 6th former's and his novels always follow the same form...i was disappointed that the very beginning of glue contained some heard coont with all the moves &c. it's not only formulaic it goes against everything good writing stands for. i recently read an article where he was defending 'the wire' and he was saying 'there are guys going mental for the sopranos (an by extension all hbo productions) in council estates in edinburgh. now 1) he never lived on an estate and 2) that he claims he did he thinks gives him the right to promulgate the tastes of those the media commonly overlooks. cash-slag, me-thinks.

Only atoms and the void said...

hi, i know my comments re: welsh were a tad harsh. indeed trainspotting and glue were novels i certainly enjoyed. i value your opinion so would be interested to know what it is. cheers, steamed.