Wednesday, 8 October 2008

a reasonable jour, mother attendant, dog a wonderful regarding-tard and i, the norti fukku, drink'n' evil skol thrain, wun stelluh and now a b'tl' ree-oh-juh and a jazz-cigarette/ may down some of my sur-meth. and a few ag'in' depressants for a soothly bien eve./ band-with-a-phaedo-guitarist (the whom?????????) kens?/ ekootin tv eye, yiggle bor-b-h (uh-geh-porp (iggy pop)) hum yess, jazz purist and all that trash/ fuck literature and boring plots and simulacrums of reality and watching from the corner/ too active to be a writer/ well one needs to be active to have something to write about but sickening the culture of splitting open one's (imagined) innards to attain notoriety/ surely now to be notorious one must be clean, a non-drinker, 've'd an idyllic childhood...boring fucking twatting bollox oh i've got track marks, skid marks, fucking marks every-fucking-where...another trend exhausted since the 50's...who gives a fuck if you had to get a leper to inject petrol with a hose pipe into the end of your cock for a fee when the money should've gone to fund your deranged grandmothers colostomy replacement...any cunt...soon to be replaced by similar...addition-E-os/


Jimmy The Mack said...

You know what I think...I think it's time you cleaned up, wrote a self-help book, and peddled the ass god gave you, talking about wicked evil drugs, childhood traumas, and how through personal power you were able to pull through it all and help the public!!! Or you could go the teary eyed memoir route, and go to book signings all day long answering questions like "did you really do all that stuff?!"

Only atoms and the void said...

elle-oh-elle. much flattered dahling tho' as you bien ken true lit. is a pleasure that n'er oft' sells and i don't wish to sell my arse if it means compromise. perhaps you have some suggestions? oh and next to the path, i've decided to toss glue and return to something that will exercise the right places, viz hegel's phenomenology of spirit. haven't studied it since uni. but i think it better to be profitably sado-masochistic than not. love yah!

Only atoms and the void said...

oh and by the route, what are you reading a la mo'?

Jimmy The Mack said...

currently reading Aleister Crowley, "Book 4" (he may be a quack, but he's entertaining as hell). William Burroughs compilation "Word Virus". And also children's books auf deutsche. haha, how about yourself sir?

Only atoms and the void said...

hm, turg., ...hunter's..., and hegel, phenom. of geist. you must chq. out letters of wsb, 1945-52 (i pense, but the dates c'ld be a little off).

Jimmy The Mack said...

are these letters to ginsberg, gysin, kerouac, etc.? I think I have them in the book, and they're pretty decent.

Only atoms and the void said...

yeah that's them. i think his letters are a far better showcase of his talent than most of his novels. junky was good; naked lunch was good; ...ticket...was ok but most of his output was rather repetitive. then again at least he produced some memorable stuff.

Jimmy The Mack said...

I definately agree regarding his novels, I prefer him lucid for the most part so one doesn't feel like a goddamn detective to figure out what he's getting at.