Saturday, 18 August 2007

woke feeling shocking/ intake de yester: 3 bottles wine, 2 cans k, usuals/ listening: dirt, alice in chains/ i have to quit/ the problem is the methadone assuages hangovers so effectively that by the time i've had my shots and a cup of coffee i feel passable/ a prolonged period of malaise would be welcome as it would encourage me to quit/ however the side effects are not severe enough to force me into abstinence/ am still a true addict/ just reading about layne stayle's death and rather that think 'oh how terrible that he died' i thought' what a shame he didn't get to shoot the loaded syringe he had in his hand'/ i also felt jealous that he had the money and privacy to get really wasted/ oh what an addict i stille be.... / haven't used now in 2 weeks and 1 day/ thus when i eventually get it'll be great/

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