Wednesday, 15 August 2007

feeling ok/ two cups of coffee, 60mls methadone and a good breeze are conspiring to enhance my enjoyment of the day/ have also cleansed so am feeling roughly 750, 000 bukz/ these antis are most certainly working/ ssris they are and i 'come up' on them, no joke/ about an hour after i take one my pupils are hugely dilated/ i read a short statement of how i felt about a fortnight ago (just before i started taking them) and i've improved massively/ still have a long way to go, and must conjoin them with counseling, but early signs are certainly encouraging/ so this eve i begin my reading regieme/ i'll benefit from it, no doubt/ i also need to purchase another notebook/ before i started to keep this blog, i wrote all in notebooks/ thus the house is strewn with them/ although i find keeping a blog a more orderly way of diarising, i miss having somewhere to write words and phrases i find appealing/ i've some great ones scattered hither and/ i'd a moleskin before, as used by some of the greats (viz. pablo, ernie, eff scott), and 'twas a beauty/ wonderful thick creamy paper, so i covered every spare inch in psychotic despairing musings/ i'll think i'll add a moleskin to my birthday list/

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