Wednesday, 11 March 2009

stille off methadone/ the withdrawal became a little overwhelming at times but alcohol was there to prop me up/ work is well and i can't seem to do badly, no matter how arse-holed i am/ no idea how i got through yesterday, waking with a 9 beer and one 'fifth' whiskey hangover, but i did/ motion seems to be some form of saviour/ bizat...


Memoirs of a Heroinhead said...

Two days off the juice... that's not bad!! I got down to five ml a day and then jumped off the wagon straight back onto the H train.

But I'm unrepenting... there will be no happy ending with me. pop over and see my blog.

Memoires of a Heroinhead

You take care, Shane.

Only atoms and the void said...

cheers dude. thanks for the comment and i'll be checking out your blog. take it easy.