Thursday, 25 September 2008

gurd day last day/ albaz b'day so plenty guests much food and booze and another dog have i inherited/ only got rid of the grt dane a few days ago (consequence of him pissing in the bedroom and shitting severally in the sitting (or living) room) and now another dog has been dumped with my friend and she can't take care of him/ i was pissed and said yes so now i own a dog, a tan staff with a beautiful dark stripe down his back/ he is amazing/ t'k'n' him to the vets this week-fin just as routine cause he looks and seems very healthy/ last night was fucking brilliant/ about 10 of us drinking bubbles and smoking good jamacian weed, one of the finest combinations, to a soundtrack of 90's hip-hop and vintage dub/ nice/ anyway...

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