Tuesday, 9 December 2008

f'n' markedly better/ ears are still sur-blocked but no longer painful/ sipping a cafe au lait and pondering hawking some lists of albums/ my plan to find an agent's been put on the back burner/ i've always held the only way to write is for one's self but till very recently was also in love with the idea of being an author, of being published, the fame &c./ the two are completely unrelated/ a good friend of mine is a critically accomplished producer in the aphex twin style/ whist he could very easily mimic the successful formulas and earn a lot of money, he refuses to as he believes so strongly in his art/ the smiths were of the same mind/ unfortunately now some believe that small sales equals quality but it does not/ many are made rich and transiently famous by bad taste/ some with exquisite talent are made not only rich but immortal/ one might put faith in lasting quality, brilliance passed over in one age recognised when the people are 'ready'/ but then some lacking talent are made rich and immortal too/ one may then say 'there's no accounting for taste' but this is a cop-out/ the subject is an incredibly complex one and must be discussed/ labels of 'good' and 'bad' are obviously too crude/ the subjectivity of experience provides no end of difficulties when trying to come up with a yardstick/ we might say the popularity of 'bad' art has little to do with the art itself/ if one is caught up in a fad, e.g., one's critical faculties go abroad/ if one is a friend or supporter of an artist, ditto/ is 'good' art then something which has a profound effect on someone aside from any other considerations?/ perhaps/ but then subjectivity comes into it again/ intellect is now seen as a matter of brain frequencies, ppl with higher intelligence operating at higher frequences/ if these patterns are reproduced in art, someone of a similar intelligence will recognise 'something' in the art that others won't/ we then leave behind an idea of 'the good' and 'the bad' and replace it with a frequency related theory/ ppl can only appreciate music, literature at a certain frequency, admiring whatever most closely reproduces their brain frequencies/ shit maybe...

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