Thursday, 13 November 2008

not f'n' trop malcolm/ up reasonably late last ngt 'ving pissed it up on k cider secretly throughout the day, beginning around lunch out with mother time/ hand not hurting too much so've switched from codeine to ibuprofen, allowing me to save the remaining cod.s for a mizzling jour/ am currently selling no articles but running up a fair debt on the ol' cr'd't c'd, vinyl and cables and such/ without meaning to seem dull and thoroughly uninteresting, cable makes a phenomenal amount of difference and if y'r' soothly into y'r music i would suggest good mains, interconnects and speaker cable/ such improvements can make even the most shoddy equipment seem quite acceptable/ reading through my convalescence/ still stuck on glue, ah-ha, ah-ha, though it's quite a chunky tome/ i just seem to spend (rather i do spend) a lot of time bollocking about on e-bay/ i think i'll read schindler's list next/ i've taken a rather long and almost my first departure from what some might term the high brow/ but fuck it, do what you enjoy and screw the consequences/ we live but once/

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