Thursday, 30 October 2008

i recall very little of the last phew days/ the 'blues' (diazepam) combined with numerous other pills and potions sent me on a merry-go-round of powerful dream states/ they would occur even when, e.g., i would close my eyes briefly while riding the train/ i also have a habit of loosing entire days, unable to remember actual events as they are overwhelmed by powerful opiate hallucinations/ a good example would be the scene in requiem for a dream where the guy fantasies about taking the cops gun at the ice cream kiosk/ the veracity of such hallucinations can be truly remarkable and eclipse prosaic 'real' events/ today've picked up my rx, 'd a few cans of k, bought a bottle of good gin from a brick-a-brack shop for a quid (thats one pound), listened to my latest vinyl purchases, marveling at the sound quality of my system the while/ whilst some find my passion for scary somewhat heroin my lust for music is almost comparable/ will write again this eve. - must check e-bay for interconnects...


Anonymous said...

Hi there...I am really interested in what you have going here.

Only atoms and the void said...

hey...thank you very much man. glad you're enjoying it. please keep reading.