Sunday, 19 October 2008

doing ok/ went for a lengthy spin with the mutt yester., cans d'k twain en route and, feeling sur-fine returned home/ then blam, puked prolifically, spraying lav. seat, rim, floor, wall and-set-er-ah/ started to feel insanely cold so to bed at 1700, shivering and hallucinating/ slept on and off till 0900 this morn. waking regularly with numb limbs to drink a 'pitcher' of water at a time/ jus' taken the dog for his daily and, shivering and weak, 'd a can on the way/ i gave up strong booze a while back (well, cheap strong booze) but since attending aa a cpl of times i'm right back on it, recalcitrance and all/ listening to no fun, sex pistols/ so yeah, bit of a shitter really/


Jimmy The Mack said...

hello fellow interzone traveler. I was wondering if you had an email address that I could spam. I have query that I wish to discuss outside the public domain/forum.


Only atoms and the void said...


Jimmy The Mack said...

did my email get through?

Only atoms and the void said...

yeah man. just thinking it through. i'll get back to you ay-sap. cheers.

Jimmy The Mack said...

cool man, thanks.

Only atoms and the void said...

no problem. i was hoping for an exchange re: my latest post. what are your views?

Jimmy The Mack said...

"i attended one of the finest university's in the world, attained a first and concluded i'd never had my thinking more stifled/ it has taken me three years to recover and restore my mind to the flexible, questioning state it was when i began university/"....Couldn't have said it better myself, dropped out of a prestigious college here in the land of ignorance, only to find myself even more stifled at an-ass backwards catholic school. I thought this would allow me more time to study and do things that I wanted to do, but it has only made me more neurotic, and every day is a struggle. I figured my plan would make me less of a misanthrope, but it's had the opposite effect. If I leave with my mind intact it'll be a miracle.

i suppose the point i'm trying to make is one can get lost in a logical morass which, whilst perhaps internally consistent, bears no relation to anything one could possibly explain/ and in it's application, it can be lethal/ one thing academia and spending 10s f thousands on hi-fi has taught me is, question and grasp everything which you think or become involved in/ otherwise, forget it/ logic, like religion, is just a form of human desperation with a different mask/ as fritz the cat said (roughly) 'since i gave up thinking, i'm much less of a cunt'/ gra-see-ass, fritz/

Bingo, you've hit it exactly...Logic is a form of human desperation, and the wellspring of logic comes from holy epileptics, Delusional people who would sacfrice their children on a mountain, and anti-social, pathological personalities...Therefore, does it not follow that the most behaviorally deviant, "irrational", and those who vanish off the edge of the bell-curve are the most rational? Socrates, who only poses questions, acts as the Sphinx to the majorities Oedipus. We look at the crazy, the retarded, etc. from a logical standpoint as something pitiful and undesirable, but does this really follow? In Aristotle's notion of Eudamia (sp?), are these aformentioned people not the happiest? There is no logic, there is no irrationality. Perhaps if Logic is seen as control of oneself and one's environmental stimuli (are these seperable?), then do Hitler and Stalin seem the most logical? Yet it seems the more responsibility one has attained, the unhappier and more ugly the human spirit becomes...I love Burroughs section on "when I realized I didn't want to become president"...I'll respond via email next time if you'd prefer. Also check out Neitzsche's "Genealogy of morals" section 3 on the ascetic spirit if you have a chance