Sunday, 28 September 2008

f'n' g'd/ up late with alba drinking whiskey and smkn buurd post-divine supper of roast chicken and seasonal veg., throat lubed with pinot noir/ 'n' 4 lunch i cooked fine wild mushrooms with thick, juicy king prawns, white wine, cream and fuselli, all washed with chardonnay/ effing nise/ was roused at 0930 by the mutt so commando rolled from the bed str8into tha thredz and hit the street, dog to the left, shit bag in the right/ acquired still warm baguette tho this seemed less desirable one i'd plucked the shit from round the base of the 176 bus stand/ well...currently listening holiday in berlin, frank zappa and drinking weak ass coffee (well not in itself (what is in itself!)) but cos i've been at the cafe last cpl of weeks drinking espresso/ a new cafe's opened up opposite the one i used to frequent and they do badass espresso, not quite milan but far superior to anything i've had in london on a cpl yrs/ hey-sex-worker itz off to wk we go...

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