Tuesday, 29 July 2008

second day on the wagon/ the world is naked and i am raw/ but i will not be beaten by paranoia/ it can be like a thorn bush crawling over me and tightening/ h'ever i've seen off worse than this and know 't'll pass/ i've plunged despair's depths, been lost in farragos of absurdity, but that has rendered me slightly better equipped/ the most difficult aspect of paranoia, if 'reason' is one's antidote, is infinite possibility/ no rational argument, or one from common-sense can deny anything could happen/ so even in its most extreme paranoia swallows reason because one knows this/ it is arrogance to believe one can determine the future/ a best guess might be right but no more is possible/ rationality is merely a localised way of coping, a flimsy grid imposed on an infinite whorl/ it is an anchor/ if a guy is mad doesn't mean he's a sage/ but we cannot know we are correct because without transcendence we have no yard stick, and were we to attain one it would need verification and so on ad infinitum/ i don't advocate not thinking: it is highly stimulating/ just don't get lost and then make things worse (i mean in a metaphysical sense - some lost are considered sane)/

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