Friday, 23 May 2008

f''''n' g''d/ just started my first can, bukka white, parchman farm blues easing through the media player &c and a beautiful day without/ i read some of my old journal entries la nuit d and was put in some discomfort/ i cannot understand how i endured in such a state for so long/ 'twas truly awful reading all my fears and concerns and writings are but a snapshot/ i must have more fortitude than i assume/ now good old janice, bye bye baby is sneaking thru the speakers/ intend to make a concerted effort to get back to reading today/ as i mentioned afore i go thru phazes when i'll D-vow-uh myriad books and then nothing, i cannot concentrate for more than a couple of lines/ i 9-t'-lack read each joor but i find novels hone my talents more/ anyway cher reader, i'll write more l8r...

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