Thursday, 24 January 2008

feeling good/ these ssris are most certainly working/ sitting in i-caf eating a sub and sipping a beer/ been tying it on uber heavy de late so trying to slow consumption/ 've been drinking from the minute i rise, strong wine mixed with the pills, culminating in my blacking out and then being unable to remember anything substantial about the evening the following day/ i have long and involved telephone conversations, cook meals, go to the shops, do funny shit, start arguements, fall down, and fail to recall any of it/ moreover i don't suffer physically so much but i keep ruining my clothes, most of which are now scarred with wine stains/ what i have accomplished though is quitting cider, namely cheap white cider, the ruin of many a fine vagrant and very nearly your's truly/ vile and unmitigated evil it is, and i have forever banished it's ruinous ass from my house/

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