Tuesday, 30 October 2007

so, feenin' scene-in/ good wknd then la nuit d jus' cpl of cans and a few resin spluphphz, culminating in my retiring very early (before 2200) and sleeping till 1100 this morn./ i would not survive my punishing reigeme were it not for my remarkable ability to sleep when and f0or how long i wish/ take sun. ngt. e.g.: 1/2 g/chaz; 10 cans stella; 3 pints kronie; countless z-bluvz; lots of happy mondays and talking shit with my two best mates/ i then awoke to a sniffle and barged my way through the day till collapse became inevitable)/ so as you can see, without sleep (the most restorative thing in the world) i would either be extremely ill or dead (or both...)

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