Saturday, 28 July 2007

feeling ok/ intake yester: 1 btl wine (13.5%, 10.1 units); 2 cans k (8.4 units); 3 rocks crack; usual homeopathic adjuncts/ discovered some enzyme pills but have just noticed they're past their use by date so chucked them/ shame/ i took a couple the other day and felt pretty awful, so that could be the reason/ have cleansed and moisturized, and this evening will treat myself to camphor cleansing cream and some divine wine/ will also be cooking an italian meal for the alba and hopefully wonderful sex'll ensue/ have been contemplating a trip north but think i would rather great food and sex/ reading miller's ...cancer which is fantastic, i mean really great/ hmm, tonight great wine, food and sex/ i like/ have taken to writing in my journal again/ usually transcribe but don't think i'll bother/ no one reads this blog anyway/ i simply use it as a journal out of habit/

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