Tuesday, 31 July 2007

feeling marvelous/ docs app went smoothly: one month's supply of antis have i/ and now i've also b twin and cans twain k/ rather foolishly i have been unable to fathom the cause of my recent lethargy/ my tiredness has been manifest thus: constant lack of energy, tendency to sleep all night (0000 till 1100, 1200, sometimes even 1300), then post lunch maybe a nap around 1430, 1500 which can stretch till up to 1900/ then up, supper, drunk and home (sorry bed) again around 0000/ i've just inhaled some c21h23n05 and i feel marvelous/ thus my lethargy has been an aspect of low level withdrawal/ until a couple of weeks ago i was smoking daily, and no small amount/ the last fortnight i've been smoking max twice weekly and not much either (typically 2 or 3 bags)/ clearly using daily on top of my methadone for many months would engender another habit/ i've been on mmt for over a year now, and have used daily since/ to not develop a habit under such circumstances would be impossible/ so, i developed a heroin dependency atop my meth dependency/ and we all know what happens when amounts are reduced or types of shit are withdrawn/ yes, withdrawal/ and i've not only had my meth reduced, i've, as stated, gone from daily heavy use to twice weekly mild/ alcohol is the only (pleasant) spanner in the works/ i wake pissed, booze doesn't wear off till about 1700 next day, and by then i've usually started drinking/ thus between sleep and drunk i feel very little of the horrible pain of sykness/ this is a good thing/ now i'm where i am (as, invariably, we all are) i intend to stick with very occasional use (once/twice a week) so as not to pick up another habit/ i'll also gradually reduce alc intake ( a necessity anyway on antis)/ so my only dependence soon will be methadone and antidepressants/ marvelous!/ if any fellow bloggers would like to leave comments i'd be tickled rouge/ bye!

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